Monday, May 29, 2017

Millennium Live: The Story of ABS-CBN and the Worldwide Broadcasters

Millennium Television Network/MTN was a media entity conceptualized in 1996 and formally launched in 1998 with the aim of producing a 24 hour broadcast covering midnight celebrations heralding the so-called New Millennium (or in reality, New Year 2000). In 1999, ABS-CBN signed up as the broadcast partner for MTN's broadcast dubbed as Millennium Live: Humanity's Broadcast.

By 12-28-1999 however, more than 72 hours before the broadcast was supposed to air on ABS-CBN and various media networks worldwide, news got out that MTN collapsed. So is the 24-hour New Year 2000 broadcast it was going to produce.  Not to be left out in the dark, executives in ABS-CBN communicated with its Millennium Live broadcasters (numbering around 50 networks worldwide) on pushing through with the broadcast without MTN, saying "The show must go on!"

And it did went on by 6:00pm of 12-31-1999 on ABS-CBN's Channel 23 which combined the simulcasts of New Year 2000 broadcasts from Channel 2 and ANC and the special broadcast focusing on the segment of The Fort’s night-to-morning Millennium Extravaganza and the live feeds from scores of Millennium Live broadcast partners.

For the concept of "The show must go on" credits are due to ABS-CBN and the other Millennium Live broadcasters--partially listed here. (Note: A number of these broadcasters happened to be partners too for Millennium Live's rival broadcast 2000 Today.)

Australia: Channel 9
Brazil: Bandeirantes
Canada: City TV
Chile: Chilevision
China (People's Republic): CCTV4
Cuba: Cubavision
Denmark: Channel 2
Estonia: Channel 1
Egypt: ETV
France: France Televisio
Fiji: Fiji TV
Finland: YLE
Germany: SAT1
Ghana: GBC
India: Zee TV
Indonesia: Indosiar
Israel: Channel 2
Italy: RAI1
Japan: Channel 6
Kenya: KBC
Korea: KBS
Lebanon: LBC
Malaysia: Astro
Mexico: Channel 22
New Zealand: Channel 3
Portugal: SIC
Romania: PROTV
Russia: RTR
Singapore: TCS
South Africa: SABC1
Spain: Channel 5
Thailand: UBC
Turkey: NTV
United Kingdom: ITV Channels
Venezuela: Venevision
Vietnam: VTV

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